Monday 9 January 2012

A belated Happy New Year!

I can hardly believe that it has been three weeks since I had the chance to write on my Blog!  Where has the time gone? 
My family came and went, Santa/Papa Noel came and went and finally The Three Kings came and went.......and here I am!  And what can I say?  I must have been a good girl last year because my family brought me nice things, Santa bought me nice things....and The Three Kings didn't bring me coal....aaaahhhh that's a relief!

So Santa was really good to me and as previously posted, he, cunningly disguised as the Post Man, brought my Iplehouse JID Asa just a few days before Christmas.  But I got lots of other nice things too.  Brian, my hubby, as well as paying for half of Asa, gave me a Samsung Galaxy Tablet which is brilliant!  I love it!  And then my mum and brother gave me money, some of which  I spent on a nice black leather handbag....a big roomy one for all my stuff, including my new Tablet!

Brendan and Virginia gave me a cute little Kimmidoll:

These little dolls are given to "celebrate important values in life’s journey such as kindness, happiness, joy and respect".  Mine is called Ayama which means Gratitude.  Each one comes with a little collectors card and there are quite a few to collect.  Of course now that I have one, I would like another to  be her friend......but will have to wait until I go to Sevilla again as that is the only place I've seen them for sale except on the internet.  

Virginia's mum crocheted me a gorgeous scarf and Magdalena gave me a pretty red jumper.  I'm very lucky!

On the dolly news front, there have been some comings and goings....well the goings have gone but the comings have yet to arrive but the money has gone from my Paypal account!  My first purchase was a beautiful Unoa Sist from a lady in Asia.  I had been drooling over the doll from the moment that she was posted for sale on DOA.  I was so worried that someone else would snap her up before I had enough money together to get her, but fortunately that was not to be the case and last week I bought her!  I can't wait for her to arrive, she is just gorgeous!  Here are a couple of photos of her, used with kind permission of the seller:

Of course in the pursuit of getting such a lovely doll, there had to be a couple of 'casualties' on the way, so my Volks Yosd Little Lorina has gone to live with a lovely new mum in Belgium and my little Lati Yellow tanned Ruki has been adopted by an equally lovely lady in the US.  I loved both dolls but can't have everything.  For every new doll I buy, an existing doll has to go or I'd be overrun with the little resin critters! 

I do have some more dolly news but will save that for another day!

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